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The State Key Laboratory of Tribology (SKLT) is pleased to launch the first Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award for International Young Scholars.

The Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award was established by Professor Wen Shizhu, Tsinghua University, China, to recognize international young scholars who are working outside China mainland and have made outstanding contributions in tribology and related fields. The Award consists of a prize of $3,000 and priority in application for a two-year research project, in the range of $30,000-50,000, funded by the SKLT Open Research Funds for International Exchange, for the recipient to visit the SKLT for academic exchange and collaborative research. The Award will be granted at Tsinghua University, with an invited academic talk given by the recipient afterwards, whose travel expense is covered by SKLT.

The recipient should be under the age of 40 on December 31st, 2020.

The nomination should be made by one professional (full professor or senior academics having equivalent qualification). The nomination package includes 1) Nomination Form, 2) Basic Information Form of the Nominee including CV, 3) List of no more than five representative achievements.

The electronic version of the above materials should be sent to the Secretariat of the Award Committee before the deadline of nomination.

Self-nominations are not accepted.

The deadline for nomination is May 30th, 2021.

Secretariat of the Award Committee

Address: State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University (Lee Shau kee Building)

Beijing 100084

Tel: +86-10-62781379

Email: mapleaf_award@163.com



公   告

第一届“温诗铸枫叶奖-国际青年学者奖”即日起开始征集候选人。“温诗铸枫叶奖- 国际青年学者奖”由清华大学温诗铸院士捐资设立,用以奖励在中国大陆以外工作、在摩擦学相关领域做出突出贡献的优秀青年学者;每年评审1次,奖励0~1名;奖金为3000美元。获奖者将优先获得摩擦学国家重点实验室国际开放交流基金1项,该基金主要用于获奖人来实验室交流和开展研究工作,资助强度为20-30万元(3~5万美元),资助年限2年。颁奖仪式将在清华大学举行,获奖者将被邀请作学术报告交流 (旅费由邀请方承担)。













Nomination Form for “Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholars Award”

温诗铸枫叶奖 - 国际青年学者奖评奖细则

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