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Detailed Rules for the

"Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award"

In 2011, Wen Shizhu, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the State Key Laboratory of Tribology (SKLT) at Tsinghua University, together with his students as well as related organizations, launched the "Wen Shizhu Award Fund". The fund is jointly managed by the Tsinghua University Education Foundation and SKLT. The "Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award" was established in 2022 to award outstanding young scholars who are working outside China and have made outstanding contributions in tribology-related fields.  

Prof. Wen is one of the pioneers of the tribology researches in China. He has made significant contributions to the development of tribology in China, and also made outstanding contributions to promoting international exchanges and cooperation in the field of tribology researches. He was the IMechE Tribology Gold Medal Laureate in 2015, and awarded the CTI Highest Achievement Award in Tribology in 2009. He was the first director of the SKLT at Tsinghua University.



Article 1: It is aimed at recognition of excellent young scholars working outside China, who have made outstanding contributions in the tribology or related fields.

Article 2: At most 1 recipient is awarded per year, and the prize is $3000.

Article 3: The nominee for the award should be under the age of 40 on January 1st in the year of awarding, and should meet one of the following criteria:

    1. He/she had one or several academic achievements having essential influence on tribology and related fields.

    2. Put forward innovative theories and methods in tribology and related fields.

Article 4: The award should be nominated by two peer experts with senior professional and technical positions, while the nomination materials shall be submitted, including "Nomination Form", "Basic Information Form of the Nominee" and necessary attachments. The electronic version of the above materials should be sent to the Secretariat of the Award Committee before the deadline of nomination. Self-nomination for the "Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award" is not accepted.

Article 5: The Evaluation procedures of the award are as follows:

    1. Call for nomination before May 1st of each year.

    2. The deadline of nomination is June 30th.

    3. The preliminary evaluation and external review is completed before August 31th.

    4. The final evaluation is completed before September 30th.

    5. Result will be released and award is going to be granted to the winner before December 1st.

Article 6 An expert panel mainly composed of the International Advisory Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Tribology and the editorial board members of “Friction” are invited to conduct the preliminary evaluation and external review of the Award.

Article 7 An expert group appointed by the Department of Machinery and Manufacturing of the National Natural Science Foundation of China is entrusted to conduct the final evaluation of the Award.

Article 8: The winner will be announced by Award Committee of "Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award". The award can be granted at Tsinghua University. The recipient will be invited to give an academic talk, and the travel expenses will be covered by the inviting side.

Article 9: The Award Committee of "Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award" is responsible for the interpretation of these rules, and amendments when necessary.

Award Committee of the

"Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award - International Young Scholar Award"

State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment, Tsinghua University

April 8, 2024

Email: mapleaf_award@163.com

温诗铸枫叶奖 国际青年学者奖





第一条 根据温诗铸奖励基金章程制定本细则。

第二条 设立“温诗铸枫叶奖- 国际青年学者奖”,用以奖励中国以外工作、在摩擦学相关领域做出突出贡献的优秀青年学者。

第三条 该奖每年评审1次,每次评选0~1名,奖金为3000美元(税前)。

第四条 优秀青年学者奖候选人在评奖当年1月1日应未满40周岁并满足下列条件之一:

    1. 在摩擦学及相关领域取得具有重要影响的单项或系列学术成果(一般成果应为第一完成人,论文应为第一作者);

    2. 在摩擦学及相关领域提出创新性的理论和方法。

第五条 “温诗铸枫叶奖-国际青年学者奖”候选人需由具有正高级专业技术职务的2名同行专家推荐并提交推荐材料,包括:“推荐表”和“候选人基本情况表”及必要的附件。上述推荐材料电子版须在推荐截止日前发送至温诗铸奖励基金理事会秘书处。“温诗铸枫叶奖-国际青年学者奖”不接受自荐。

第六条 国际青年学者奖评审程序如下:

    1.  当年5月15日前发布公告征集候选人;

    2.  6月15日推荐截止;

    3.  7月1日前完成初评;

    4.  9月1日前完成终评;

    5.  11月31日前公布获奖人名单并颁奖。

第七条 主要由摩擦学国家重点实验室国际咨询委员和Friction期刊编委组成的专家组进行国际青年学者奖的初评和函评。

第八条 委托国家自然科学基金委员会机械与制造学科处聘任的专家组负责进行国际青年学者奖终评。

第九条 由温诗铸奖励基金理事会公布获奖人名单。颁奖将在清华大学举行,获奖人将被邀请作学术报告交流,费用由邀请方承担。

第十条 本细则由温诗铸奖励基金理事会负责解释并在必要时予以修订。




Email: mapleaf_award@163.com


Nomination Form for “Wen Shizhu Maple Leaf Award International Young Scholars Award”:download

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