On May 24th, 2017, the Tsinghua- RWTH Aachen International Joint Research Laboratory for Innovative Design and Manufacturing of Advanced Mechanical Systems (IDM Joint Lab) held a seminar in conference room A507 in Lee Shau Kee Science & Technology Building in Tsinghua University. This seminar aimed at discussing the IDM Joint Lab’s development roadmap and reviewing its recent achievements since China’s Ministry of Education set up this project in 2015.
Academician Jianbin Luo, Director of IDM Joint Lab and Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, delivered a welcome speech, then Professor Reinhart Poprawe, the Co-Director of IDM Joint Lab and Managing Director of Fraunhofer-Institute of Laser Technique ILT, RWTH Aachen University, and Professor Jun Ma, Director of the Overseas R&D Management Office, Tsinghua University, gave opening speeches. Professor Yonggang Meng, Executive Director of IDM Joint Lab, hosted the seminar. He illustrated recent development situation of IDM Joint Lab, and summarized the construction achievement over the past one year.
During the seminar, Associate Professor Hongyu Zhang introduced current status of other domestic Joint Research Labs in China. Professor Zheng Li, Dean of Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Professor Jing Ren, Professor Minfang Han from Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Professor Weilin Zhuge from Department of Automotive Engineering, and representatives from Professor Haiyan Zhao as well as Professor Linhong Ji’s research group from Department of Mechanical Engineering made reports on their research progress in the Tsinghua-RWTH Aachen Collaborative Innovation Funding Project and shared their experience on international collaboration.
In the afternoon session, both sides exchanged their ideas on such issues as pushing forward the development of IDM Joint Lab, strengthening collaboration, etc.